Saturday, February 14, 2009

Peace & Tranquility

The "Island of Peace" or Pulau Aman (in Malay) is a small island in Penang that is
home to a traditional Malay village. Situated on an island covering an area of about
115-hectare, the place is the gateway to tranquility and serenity.

Pulau Aman

As an idyllic fishing village with a population of only three hundred, the majority of
people on Pulau Aman are elderly folks and laughing, fun loving children. Life on the
island is simple in traditional ways with man and nature of co-existing in harmony
with one other. Here the warmth of the sun is only rivaled by the warm friendliness
of the locals.

Pulau Aman

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Saturday, February 7, 2009



云南 - 大理
剑出点苍 -- 点苍派就是源自这里。。。

云南 - 大理

云南 - 大理


云南 - 大理

苍山共有十九峰,这十九峰巍峨耸立,直插云霄,海拔一般都在4000米左右,其中最高为马龙峰,海拔4122米,峰顶上终年积着皑皑白雪。十九峰从北至南的顺序是:云弄、沧浪、五台、莲花、白云、鹤云、三阳、兰峰、雪人、应乐、观音、中和、龙泉、玉局、马龙、圣应、佛顶、马耳、斜阳。前人为了便于人们记忆,编有苍山十九峰诗:“云弄沧浪洱水西,五台莲花白云迷, 鹤云共舞三阳上,兰峰之后雪人居。应乐观音中和峙,龙泉玉局马龙随,圣应佛顶兼马耳,斜阳十九永不移。”

云南 - 大理

云南 - 大理

云南 - 大理

云南 - 大理

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